Classic World

Shop Classic World - Wooden Toys designed to educate, challenge and entertain

15 Items
Classic World My Little Home
Classic World Wooden Electric Glowing Guitar
Classic World Rainmakers
Classic World Wooden Caterpillar Pastel
Classic World New Noah's Ark
Classic World Play Telephone
Classic World Rainbow Maracas
Classic World Wooden Caterpillar Rainbow
Classic World Exploration Blocks
Classic World Magic Ball
Classic World My First Cell Phone
Classic World Vintage Afternoon Tea Set
Classic World Firefighting Set
Classic World Vintage Kitchen
Classic World Pull Along Dog

Children are our future, so it's our duty to care and nurture them.

This ethos is something that Classic World install into their products. Their aim is to produce toys, games and educational material that can challenge, educate and entertain.

Designing the products with parental, teacher and early childhood developmental counsellors insight, who understand the needs of a child. Most importantly this is done without losing the fun and allowing the child's imagination to run wild.

The Kid Collective appreciate the environmentally safe production process that the Classic World team practice. Wood is taken from sustainable forests, and throughout the company, the environment and care for the future is paramount.

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